Looking for persons interested in Garden Model Railroading( G Scale)
Call Jim 239 498 6121
Live at the Promenade!
Presents the Bay Singers
Conducted by Bruce Galbraith
Thursday February 24 at 7 PM
The ‘Live at the Promenade’ performance series is held in the Center for the Arts facility at the Promenade at Bonita Bay. Bay Singers, a 40-voice chorus comprised of men and women, who are Bonita Bay residents, will be accompanied by talented pianist Anne Roberts, assisted by instrumentalists Bob Wydock, Dick Robertson, Jae Wittlich and Terry Herwig. Enjoy an evening of song as the group performs a broad array of musical favorites from Broadway show tunes to Spirituals and Rock and Roll.
The performance will include complimentary wine and hors d’oeuvres. To purchase your tickets call the Center for the Arts at (239) 495-8989 or stop by the Center for the Arts campus. Tickets can be purchased at the door if space is available.
The Center for the Arts is located in the Promenade at the intersection of U.S. 41 and South Bay Drive, approximately 1.5 miles north of Bonita Beach Road. The performance space is located at the northwest corner of the Promenade, space #114.
Tickets are $25 for Center of the Arts Members and $30 for non-members.
Car Show at Bonita Bay
A car show for Bonita Bay residents will be held on Sunday, April 10th from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. at Riverwalk Park. Rain date is April 17th. All types of cars and motorcycles are welcome from antiques to exotics, both domestic and foreign.
Our first show will not be a judged event. Just clean off the dust and show them to other BB residents. We must first determine the level of interest for this type of event before we proceed with all of the necessary coordination required for the show. Please contact Don Cerullo at dlcerullo@aol.com or 992-6940 if you would be interested in showing your car or motorcycle at our show.
Wisconsin Club
The Wisconsin Club will host a Wine and Cheese Party on March 7th, 2011 from 5pm-7pm at Bonita Bay Club. All Bonita Bay homeowners who are current Wisconsin residents, former Wisconsin residents, people who went to school in Wisconsin and friends of Wisconsin are invited!
This year we will turn the club’s bar and expanded terrace area into a bistro setting where you can mingle with friends, meet new neighbors, sample delicious hors d’oeuvres and wonderful Wisconsin cheeses, and win fabulous door prizes! The cost is $15. Fine wines and a full bar will also be available at happy hour prices. Also, for those of you who wish, there is a golf tournament earlier in the day.
Please RSVP by calling the Club at 239-495-0200 and using your club number or credit card to reserve your spot. The last several years this event was known as the Wisconsin Bash, if you need more information on this year’s event email Roderick Price at oxford101@Hotmail.com.
Minnesota Party
All Minnesotans are invited to attend our 11th annual party on February 24, 2011 at 5:30pm at the home of Sandy and Mike Hollenhorst, Hidden Harbor, 27351 Hidden River Court. Chairs of the evening are Sandy and Mike Hollenhorst and Mary and Rick Nolan. Send a check made out to Joanne Mair for $15 /person which includes food, wine, beer and pop to 4441 Riverwatch Dr. #203 by Feb. 7th to confirm your reservation. Come join us for a good "Minnesota nice" time!